Peace is every step.

Breathe, you are online. 

Welcome to the Winding Path Sangha in Iowa City, Iowa, founded in the Plum Village tradition of Vietnamese teacher Thích Nhất Hạnh, or 'Thay', in 2016. 

We know you are there and we are happy. 


Morning of Mindfulness, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, May 19: Sangha member Jan Goss will again lead a morning of mindfulness, followed by a shared vegan potluck, at the Coralville home of Brian Glidewell. To reserve a spot, and for more information, contact Jan at

Third-Saturday Walking Meditation Now that the weather is nice, we're happy to announce that there will now be two opportunities to join us for Walking Meditation at Hickory Hill Park (Conklin Lane entrance): at 10 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month, and now also on the third Saturdays (in both cases, followed by an opportunity to meet at nearby Press Coffee for beverages and conversation). Thanks to Sangha members Jan Goss and Jack Terndrup for facilitating the third-Saturday walks!

Fifth-Wednesday Meditations Now In-Person Because of a desire of many Sangha members to gather in person more often, Winding Path will now meet at Trinity Episcopal Church at 7 p.m. on the first, third, and (now) occasional fifth Wednesdays of the month. This year, that includes May 29, July 31, and October 20. We’ll continue to offer online meditation via Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. (If you forget, you can always check our Sangha calendar; our facilitators will also announce the upcoming week’s “location” every Wednesday.)

For the latest, most accurate event information, please visit our calendar page and subscribe to our emails list (see the link to the right) so we can alert you about changes, cancellations, and new opportunities. 

Here are some of our ongoing gatherings:

Thank you for practice, your friendship, and your smile.


Sign up to receive occasional emails with event information, news, and resources to support your mindfulness practice. 

"The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." Thích Nhất Hạnh